Meet the Midland Redskins✋How?✋
Ken Griffey Jr., Barry Larkin, Andrew Benintendi, Eric Hosmer, Matt Harvey, Mike Matheny.
Those names represent just a handful of the MLB talent that has passed through Ohio's Midland Redskins youth baseball program on their way to the big leagues over the last 35 years.
Perhaps in a social justice warrior's utopia, we would endearingly refer to these youth baseball prospects that grew into career major leaguers as "Redskin Buds", by virtue of their former team's name referencing a small, often herb dusted potato. But SJW's may need a trigger warning before reading any further. Because in the real world, two of the most common varieties of Redskin potatoes, The Red Pontiac and The Chieftain, are themselves named after American Indians. And in the real world, Midland, Ohio's prestigious youth baseball organization took one look at Daniel Snyder's football team and said, "I'll see your Redskins nickname, and raise you a Chief Wahoo mascot!" Adding, "Your move, Jew." (probably)
Of course, things could always be worse when it comes to racist pissing contests. Here's the original Chief Wahoo logo, which the Midland Redskins chose not to use, but refer to internally as "Daniel Snyder Nose Better" (probably).
"Try any funny stuff in court and we'll Sioux your ass. Don't make us use the original logo, Daniel. " ~ Chief Operating Officer, Midland Redskins U18 Baseball
Indeed, the premiere youth baseball program in the country makes Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder look like a Comanche sympathizer.
Guys named John go hand in hand with the rich cultural history of Redskins in America. John Ross, John Riggins, John Wayne, and NATIVE INDIANan John Cougar Mellencamp come to mind.
Now let's take another ganders at that Midland Redskins logo, shall we?
Your EYES do not deceive you. ( potato jokes AND hot potato takes!)
There's absolutely no way around it, the the Midland Redskins baseball organization purposely, deliberately and intentionally combined the most degrading nickname in professional sports, REDSKINS, with the most degrading logo in professional sports, CHIEF WAHOO, to produce the most deplorable plagiarized fabrication in human history - edging out Kid Rock's 2008 release of "All Summer Long". And speaking of summertime in Kid Rock's home state, the Midland Redskins probably figured you'd be too overwhelmed with proxy shame to notice that they ripped off the University of Michigan's iconic Block M and color scheme to accentuate their flagrant antagonism towards Native Americans.
Question 1) What's the capital of Ohio? Hint, it's named after the guy whose fuckup is responsible for Native Americans being called Indians in the first place. Hint hint, this guy has his very own American district, and the Redskins have reservations all over town. Dinner reservations that is!
Answer: Columbus
Question 2) Of the 51 Washington Redskins players polled, 26 said their team name should not be changed, 1 said the name should be changed, and 24 declined to answer.
What percentage of Washington Redskins players believe that the authority figure* Daniel Snyder pays to do his bidding is less trustworthy than a Smallpox Blanket Trader named Daniel Snyder?
Answer: The 3/5ths Comprimise
*Considering only one player was willing to say they thought the name should be changed, perhaps it's best to use pseudonyms. So we'll call that hypothetical authority figure "White Goodman - Owner, Globo Gym", but any Average Joe can tell you his real name is Roger Goodell - Commissioner, National Football League.
How the fuck did this happen? Did Donald Sterling move to Ohio? Did the Cleveland Indians authorize the Midland REDSKINS to use their trademarked Chief Wahoo logo, perhaps hoping to make "Indians" look less derogatory by comparison? Are they using the logo illegally? Or did Midland take a calculated risk that Chief Wahoo's trademark would soon be revoked by the federal courts, just as they had done with the Washington Redskins' six trademarks in 2014?
Whoever is calling the shots for the most successful travel baseball program in the country is also a brazen enough asshole to deliberately magnify the disparaging nature of their nickname and logo by combining them. Ripping off the blue and gold Block M screams Downriver Detroit Walmart Wolverine...I'm tellin' ya, I think Kid Rock might call the shots for the Midland Redskins.
Actually, the Midland Redskins were founded by Joe Hayden, Jr. in the late 1960's. I did not come across any evidence of when exactly the team started using the Chief Wahoo or block M logos, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that they are using them today, in 2017, and intend to use them again next year. You know, like a bunch of assholes. (To be crystal clear, I am referring to team management and not their current players, some of whom are in middle school.)
With the right approach, there is a clear opportunity to shine a spotlight on the aforementioned assholes running the Midland Redskins youth baseball program. My understanding is that this is a job for Twitter, but I'm not particularly adept working on that platform, at least not yet. If someone were to tag and direct a few simple Tweets properly, it's theoretically very possible to get the attention of some highly recognizable and admired names from the baseball world on the heels of the Little League World Series (...if I could turn back time I would have Chered this three weeks ago). Not to mention the fact white supremacists across the country are spending their weekends arming themselves for battle and marching in the name of hate, while simultaneously claiming to be martyrs of American society.
There is no better time than the present to take a stand against this kind of denigration. It's as deliberate as it is brazen, which puts it in a class of its own. Even if you believe Daniel Snyder is doing the right thing by fighting to keep his team's name with arguments about tradition and censorship, there is a big difference between what he is doing and what the Midland Redskins have done. The Midland team hasn't been around long enough to claim historical precedent, plus none of their content is original in the first place. They likely stole intellectual property from at least two major sports organizations, and they didn't even choose the name Redskins until AFTER segregation ended. Whoever did this is an asshole, trolling Native Americans with their youth baseball program.
If you cannot define what it would take to change your mind about something, you are almost certainly blinded by intransigence. But hard as I've tried, I cannot think of a scenario that would convince me this is all a big misunderstanding, or anything other than deliberate provocation.
That is why it's time for some due diligence. If you have any insight on how we can get to the bottom of this, or information that will shed some light on this darkness, please feel free to email us at the address listed on our homepage. Or, just Tweet that Midland Redskins logo at anyone you think might be interested in seeing the unsettling Frankenstein's monster of bigotry and trademark infringement staring back at you from their homepage:
This is not an organization that gets by on candy bar sales and tax breaks. In fact, just this week former Redskin, and current Cincinnati Red, Scooter Gennett stopped by for a meet and greet fundraiser that cost $35 a ticket. I wonder if anyone has ever asked Scooter what it feels like to put on the ol' Chief Wahoo Redskins Block M and represent Midland, OH on the diamond...maybe you can be the first! His Twitter handle is @Sgennett2 - and don't forget to let us know what he says!
And apparently, $35/ticket alumni meet and greet fundraisers aren't enough to pay the bills. The Midland Redskins also have a number of household names among their SPONSORS. I'm sure Nike would feel very left out if you Tweeted @Sgennett2 but didn't check in with them to see why the largest manufacturer of sports apparel in the world gives money to these assholes. They can be reached on Twitter at the handle @Nike
Don't forget to ask them how many employees would have to be oblivious to the partnership for Nike to contend that they are unaware rubes in the relationship, as opposed to disingenuous fork tongued hypocrites who were hoping nobody would notice. Because it seems like somebody would have noticed this shit coming off the production line:
Deadlines are important, and we hope to get to the bottom of who knows what in Midland in time for Tina Fey to work it into the plotline for Season 4 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! Take action in the name of accountability and communicate with MLB stars on Twitter across the California, and Ohio, and Michigan...because then it's on to Washington, BYAAAAAH!!!!!!
Use the hashtag #byah!